What's your beauty staple?

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Sugar Hair Removal

Sugar hair removal is an ancient way of removing unwanted hair. Literally. Thousands of years ago, Persians discovered this less painful way of waxing. It's easy, safe and affordable. You can make in with things found in your kitchen. You'll need: 2 cups of white sugar 1/4 cup cornstarch 1/4 cup lemon juice What to do: Put ingredients in a pot. Boil, And wait until consistency is like melting candy. Pour into a jar and microwave for 10-20 seconds. How to use: Powder hair and area you wish to remove (you can also soak it in water then dry) then apply with something flat (Popsicle stick, back of spoon, so on) Wait until cool Place scrap of cloth on mixture Quickly pull off the cloth in opposite direction of hair.

Sunday 29 April 2012


Sorry I haven't written in so long, but I'm back! So I found some home treatments for all kinds of hair. Here they are! CURLY: Curly hair needs moisture, so try an avocado mask. Coat your curls with mashed avocado, mixed with a table spoon of sour cream. RELAXED: Your scalp is easily irritated, and can some times be flaky. Try soaking a cotton pad in witch hazel, then gently dab on your scalp. STRAIGHT: To make your hair have more volume, try a sugar mist: 1cup of warm water 2teaspoons of brown sugar Mix together and put in a spray bottle. Shake well spritz damp hair from roots to ends. Then, style as you would regularly. WAVY: Our hair can sometimes look so dull. To help boots shine, soak your hair in 1 part apple juice, 2 parts lemon juice. Apply to hair that's just been washed leave in for 2 minuets, then rinse. I'm not responsible for anything bad that happens if you use this. If you're allergic to something in the recipe, don't use it. Have fun!

Wednesday 28 March 2012


Meep! Could it be? Could spring be slowly appearing??? It must, because I'm starting to see sun dresses and short shorts in stores. Maybe now it's time for som spring trends. Well, I see pink lips. That's right, time to put down to red and purple and swipe on some sweet pink lip stick or gloss. I've always loved the Burts Beeswax lip gloss and Wet 'n' Wild is good ,too. thought it would never come! :c)

Sunday 18 March 2012

Nail art

I love this YouTube chanel.... www.YouTube.com/cutepolish. Really love it!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Look Mom! No Hands!

Recently, I read that touching your face constantly, is rather bad for your skin. In fact, not touching your face is one of the best things to do for your skin! Touching your face can and will spread bacteria and oil. If you do touch your face, use clean hands. Your skin will thank you.

Friday 24 February 2012

DIY Body and Lip Scrub

Hey! I just got out of the bath. I made a scrub this morning and tried it out. After I got out Of the tub, my skin looks great! This scrub is rather versatile. It can be used on your face, body, hands, knees, lips, any where you need it. Only problem: I made it to runny. I think I used the 1/3 cup instead of the 1/4 cup. :c/ So here it is (less runny I hope): Ingredients- 1 cup of sugar 1/8 cup of orange juice If you have dry skin, add 2 table spoons of honey If you have oily skin, add 2 table spoons of lemon juice Mix all your ingredients in a bowl. Put it in a jar and you're good. Directions- Dampen where you want to scrub. Put the scrub in the palm of your hand. Then, in circular motions apply the scrub where needed. After you get out, apply a cream and lip balm to seal in moister. Disclaimer- I am not responsible for any allergic reactions or problems you may have. :cP But why orange juice? Well because of the crap load of vitamins, it restores radiance to your skin. Why honey for dry skin? Well it's a natural hydrator! What about that lemon juice for oily skin? It reduces oil of coarse! And sugar? It works well for scrubbing and tastes good when you use it as a lip scrub. Have fun! :c)

Thursday 23 February 2012

when is it time to get new make up?

I recently read an article about how long to keep your make up.... looks like I need some new stuff. So what lasts how long? Well here's the dirt on it: Eye liner: these will last around 3 years Conceler: around a year Foundation: oil based- 18 months water based- a year lip liners: 3 years eye shadow: also 3 years Mascara: 6 months Cleanser cream and gel: a year Now go try to remember how old your make up is!

Monday 20 February 2012

12 Ways to Wear a Scarf

I love wearing scarfs with my short hair. I also love the ideas on this site. http://www.scarves.net/blog/12-ways-to-tie-a-scarf Have fun :c)

Thursday 16 February 2012

Any Ideas

Hey guys! Just wondering if you have any ideas for my next posts? Any ideas at all? Leave your ideas in comments! Please and thank you :c)

Painting the toes

Now and again, I paint my toes. Where I live, I don't get to show off my toes to much... to often they are in boots. However, this doesn't stop me and I have an extensive array of nail polish. When you paint your toes as much as I do, you get a system of how it all goes down. Just a word of advise though: Don't paint a new color everyday. All that removing, putting back on not only takes a long time, I have heard more than 1 horror story about how girls' nails have turned yellow. Ekkk! So here is my steps to a perfect pedicure: 1. Wash your feet. Scrub em. Make sure you get them clean as can be. 2. Pick a color. Pink, purple, yellow. A bunch of different ones. Sparkles? Go for it! What ever you want! 3. Now apply some foot cream. Your favorite one. I like the Burts Bees peppermint one. But you choose what ever one you like. 3. When your foot cream soaks in, put on a base coat. You nail polish will last longer if you do. 4. Apply your nail polish. It should only be 3 strokes per nail so it doesn't end up streaky. 5. Time for the top coat. This will preserve your polish, and add a nice shine. Have fun!